AI-powered Market Intelligence

Your custom AI powered research analyst.
Receive unparalleled strategic insights into private markets, and private companies.

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Use cases

Who it's for

Icon private equity
Private Equity

Research markets, originate targets, and find suitable add-ons

Icon Strategy
Strategy & Go To Market

Plan your next move, understand markets, buyer personas, and competition

Icon competitive intelligence
Competitive Intelligence

Benchmark your competition with outside-in due diligence. From pricing to GTM

Icon investment banking
Investment Banking

Execute your sell-side playbook with 10x productivity, and free up time for your investment professionals

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Unlock a full potential of your research agents

Sourcing & List Building

Build powerful lists of companies, executives & market experts. Our human-in-the-loop system enables you screen markets in unparalleled efficiency.

Autonomous Research

Unleash the power of independent research agents that navigate the web, datasets, or expert calls.

Market Mapping & Due Diligence

Effortlessly screen markets and identify trends. Outside-in DD has never been as efficient.

Custom & Secure Domains of Knowledge

Build proprietary market maps, knowledge graphs & research agents.

Data Management

Effortlessly master your data with our web app assistant AI's powerful 'Data Management' feature.

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Getting started

Applying industry standards

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Enjoy maximum privacy and security. No confidential information is shared, nor used to train our models

Icon competiveness

Create proprietary models, datasets, and research agents

Icon compliance

Hilbert happily adjusts to your internal, and governmental compliance policies


Standing on the shoulders of giants

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Apollo logoHarmonic logoSourcescrub logoSalesforce logo